Grupo OM Comunicación Visual, S.L.

Če imate kakršna koli vprašanja ali želite izvedeti več o naših rešitvah, nam pišite. Veselimo se vašega kontakta.
Telefon: +34 914 990 980 Faks: +34 914 990 979 E-naslov: Spletni strain: Naslov za obisk

Mariano Benlliure, 2
28521 Rivas Vaciamadrid

OM Visual Merchandising was established in 2007 as Grupo OM and became a HL partner in 2015, and part of the Araven Group in 2020. The company has developed its reputation in visual merchandising, visual communication, POS, price and promo communication, with customers mainly from retail and brand. Business is operated from offices in Madrid and Zaragoza by 200 employees.