HL Display Belgium N.V.

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Téléphone: +32 3 457 88 77 Fax: +32 3 457 98 05 E-mail: info.be@hl-display.com Adresse

Emmastraat 2C,             
4811 AG Breda,
The Netherlands

Postal address:
De Regenboog 11 bus 19
2800 Mechelen

Organisation commerciale

Patrik Mattsson Group Director – Partners and Commercial Director Benelux patrik.mattsson@hl-display.com
Mobile : +358 400 411 561
Kristof Hennion Key Account Manager Retail Food kristof.hennion@hl-display.com
Jürgen Pelgrims Key Account Manager Retail Non Food jurgen.pelgrims@hl-display.com
Mobile : +32 473 55 10 92
Anselm Leyseele Key Account Manager anselm.leyseele@hl-display.com Tél : +32 47 99 261 41
Kees Guldemond Key Account Manager kees.guldemond@hl-display.com
Mobile : +31 650 652 419
Ramses van der Zalm Accont Manager ramses.vanderzalm@hl-display.com Tél : +31 164 662 675

Organisation commerciale

Katerina Mataragka CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER BENELUX katerina.mataragka@hl-display.com
Tinne Adams Customer Project Manager tinne.adams@hl-display.com Tél : +31 (0) 164 27 12 01
Ellen de Winter Customer Project Manager ellen.dewinter@hl-display.com Tél : +31 164 271 220
Niko Nolen Customer Project Manager niko.nolen@hl-display.com Tél : +31 (0) 164 27 12 47
Alicia Suresh Customer Service Officer alicia.suresh@hl-display.com
Mobile : +31762300320